Integration Circle

Integration Circle October
Integration Circle October
Join us for our next psychedelic integration circle.
At the PSB we value safer use and integration. We believe that coming into the circle to share our experiences can help us in our collective sensemaking.
This is for you, if you had an experience over the last months, that you wish to reflect upon and wish to receive some feedback on it, to facilitate your integration and sensemaking process.
Our circles:
– Provide support and guidance
– Facilitate exploring the insights and challenges that can arise from psychedelic experiences
– Help address concerns or worries you might have after having taken psychedelics
We tend to meet for approximately 1h30 to 2 hours.
Our groups are peer co-ordinated, which means they are facilitated by individuals who have personal experience of psychedelics, rather than by a professional therapist or counselor.
Max capacity: 6 psychonauts and 2 facilitators. First come first served.
Please note:
Don’t come to the session drunk or high on drugs
Don’t offer, sell, or ask about sourcing drugs
When: 23rd October 20:00 – 22:00
Where: @prenzlauer Berg, Bötzow Kiez (Adress upon registration)
Contribution: Donation based
We look forward to seeing you!